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2N2/30  - A 30 Meter, Discrete Component CW Transceiver Built Manhattan-style

Designed by: Jim Kortge, K8IQY
2N2/30 Transceiver

 The 2N2/30 claims its heritage from the 2N2/XX platform, but also uses non-2N2222 transistor types and commercial mixers. From the beginning, it was to be a test bed for building with surface mount parts in a Manhattan-style construction environment.

Another unique aspect of this rig was using sub-boards to minimize wiring. This approach was applied in the receiver front-end, final amplifier and RIT circuitry.

A 2N2907 transistor is used in the keying circuit, while a J176 FET is used in the audio mute for very clean QSK keying. For the final amplifier, use of a 2SC2166  transistor allows the rig to idle at 5- watts of output power. Commercial DBMs are also used to make construction easier for the beginning builder.

This rig features a Norton "noiseless feedback" RF Amplifier, 4-poles of crystal filtering at 500 Hz bandwidth, 100 KHz of band coverage from a voltage tuned, stable VFO,
RIT, and up to 9 watts of RF output.

The debut of this transceiver was at Atlanticon 2003 hosted by the NJ QRP club,  and at FDIM 2003 hosted by ARCI, and was also published in their respective compendiums.

Block Diagram - the pieces of the puzzle
Schematics - a complete "road map" for the project
Pictures - details that show how this rig was constructed
Parts List - everything you will need to buy or scrounge to build the rig
Follow this link to access the 2N2/30 Atlanticon 2003 presentation .PDF file. (Note: 2.2 Meg)

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