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2N2/40 Transceiver Specifications


Narrow front end: 150 KHz bandwidth
Diode DBM first mixer
Sensitivity:  -128 dBm MDS (~0.1 uvolt)
Very low noise
VFO: 100 KHz band coverage
    200 Hz maximum drift
    Linear varicap diode tuning
3 pole VBW crystal filter:  300-700 Hz
Push-pull audio output for speaker operation


2 watts output:  three parallel 2N2222A
Excellent r.f. stability
QSK keying

22 - 2N2222 transistors; four are 2N2222A metal case types
All circuits modeled with MicroSim DesignLab or Electronics Workbench
Manhattan style construction
4X5 inch footprint on prototype

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